Revista Trágica

Revista Trágica - Estudos de Filosofia da Imanência
Edição temática: “Deleuze e as artes” / Thematic issue: “Deleuze and the arts“
Editores especiais da edição temática / Special editors of thematic issue: Mariana de Toledo Barbosa & Paulo Domenech Oneto

Sandro Kobol Fornazari
On the thought of the outside: heterogenesis
Elton Luiz Leite Souza
Deleuze and Guattari: the philosophical taste
Sílvia Tedesco
Literature and the twists of meaning
Flávio Luiz de Castro Freitas
Continuites and ruptures in oedipalization mechanisms
Virgínia Kastrup
The tactile and the haptic in the aesthetic experience: considerations on art and blindness
Rodrigo Guéron
Deleuze and Guattari’s Duchampian BIRD
Désirée Pessoa
Allan Kaprov: happening and body ethics
Flávia Virgínia Santos Teixeira
Apparatus and image: a relationship with the outside
Verônica Damasceno
Conceptual and aesthetic personae in Gilles Deleuze

Book Review Section
Book review of “The image to the cliché: the cliché to the image”
Book review of “Gilles Deleuze: the great adventure of thought”